WELCOME to Year One!
WELCOME to Year One!
Welcome to our Year One class! We enjoy learning together and having fun! In Year One our teacher is Miss Mills and our Teaching Assistants are Mrs. Smith and Miss Linehan so we have lots of grown-ups who can support us in our learning.
In Year One, our themes are: This is me, My Place My Time, Celebrate, Around the World, Those Who Came Before Us and Be the Change. Our themes run across the whole school but are matched to our learning needs and give us amazing opportunities to reach our full potentials!
In Year One we build on our fabulous learning from Reception and through our topic work we become athletes, historians, geographers, scientists, artists and writers!
This is me: We launch into September with a topic focusing on our favourite people – us! We learn all about healthy food and create our own healthy fruit smoothie recipes which we make and evaluate too! We learn all about families and think about the roles other people play in our lives and about what to do if we are worried. We learn about how to create different lines and then use these to create a self-portrait before learning about the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo.
My Place, My Time: We do so much super learning about where we live that the children live in Kidderminster, which is in Worcestershire, which is in England, which is in the United Kingdom, which is in Europe! We also learn about the four countries of the United Kingdom and the seas and oceans that surround us. We will also be learning about different weather that we experience in the UK too! We will also take a step back in time to look at how our shopping habits and the High Street has changed over time and also have toys have changed over time. We will also look at Sir Rowland Hill who was born in Kidderminster as part of our local history and about the invention of the Penny Black Stamp.
Celebrate!: Happy Holidays! We will learn all about the work of Orla Kiely and we will use her work as inspiration to create a printed wrapping paper using a polystyrene tile. We will also be making an ornament and taking part in the EYFS and KS1 Christmas production.
Around the world: Brrr! It’s a bit chilly out there! In this topic we will learning about signs of winter and how summer is different between the UK and the South Pole! We will be learning all about Antarctica, that it is a continent and about the animals that you find living there. We will study the work of Megan Coyle and create a collage inspired by her work. We will most excitingly be able to answer the question ‘Why can’t a polar bear eat a penguin?’
Those who came before us: We will be going back in time to learn all about explorers from the past! This topic has a historical focus so we will be jumping back in time to the times of Robert Falcon Scott, Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong. We will be thinking historically about artefacts and about how explorers travelled in the past and making our own vehicle that will travel on ice. We will also be looking at the work of Kandinsky and practising our colour mixing skills. We get to dress up as explorers too!
Be the Change: We will be looking at an inspiring person and thinking about what we can learn from them. We will be learning the skill of weaving and using our new found skills to make a medal.
Maths: In Maths, we get to learn through using lots of different resources! As the year goes on we will learn all about place value up to 100, addition and subtraction, 2D and 3D shapes, measuring lengths, heights, weights and volumes, making and adding equal groups, making arrays and doubles, learning about position and direction, finding halves and quarters, working with money and telling the time! Phew! What a lot! We will become such super mathematicians!
English: For English we use high quality texts to support our writing! We use our phonics knowledge to help us write new words and our increasing knowledge of ‘red words’ to help us write super sentences! We consolidate using capital letters and full stops as well as learning about question marks and exclamation marks too! We write lots of different things including instructions, non-chronological reports, letters and stories!
We love being fit and active! We take part in the daily mile and our PE days are currently Mondays and Fridays! We do lots of work with multiskills, dance and gymnastics and we also get to go swimming!
Our grownups love books in Year One and we have three focus authors – Oliver Jeffers, Michael Rosen and Nadia Shireen! We read lots of books by other authors too during story time and we can’t wait to share these with you!
In phonics we will continue to learn new sounds and blend these sounds into words. We build up our fluency too in year one (how quickly we can read words) and develop our reading aloud so we can begin to read with expression. We work hard to learn lots of red words too!

Growth mind set is important to us in Year One and at our school. We believe that it is our attitudes and resilience that helps us to be great and that with hard work and determination we can achieve our goals. In our class we have Max, our motivational monkey who supports us with our growth mindset. We know that our ‘mistakes are marvellous!’ and that when we don’t get things quite right we can use these moments to help us learn so we can get it right next time! We are at the start of our educational journey and we know we have lots to learn but we are doing a super job!